Monday, October 13, 2008

Death of a Pastor Part I

Ok, Kiddos. I've realized some things that are really amazing to me. First and foremost this idea of "Death of a Pastor" continues to bear itself out as I have been able to live this out in my life. I've also played the part of the proverbial fly on the wall over the past two years while in Alabama, and now in Oak Grove. I've seen this frustration of a person who longs to lead, but it embattled to Pastor. One of the things I've determined is essential to this book is to get a real heart for where Pastors opinions fall on this subject. I think if you are writing to a specific audience you should probably know their overall mindset. Where do they hurt? How does the line get blurred between passion and obligation?
Here's where I'm at:
1. I've began the introduction Chapter 1 of the book. It's really a William Faulkner type look at the Funeral of a local Pastor (Pastor Shepherd) **Thoughts about the name? It involves characters and also some overarching themes that I hope to tie into what Pastors experience on a daily basis. Then I'll obviously link this "story" in with some of mine and their story and transition that to what I believe to be: 1. What the Bible Says. 2. What experience Tells us 3. Practical practice 4. Empowerment

2. I'm working on a questionairre that will begin to open up some of these mindsets and may provide some real depth to the book. Below is a sample list of some questions (rough draft and no particular order) I've thought up initially. Please feel free to come up with some of your own in the comments section. **Hey you never know you might get a mention in the book!!!

1. Do you consider yourself as a Pastor or a Leader?
2. Is my primary role leading people in God's will, or encouraging and comforting those in their walk with Christ.
3. Is Pastoring (in the traditional sense of the word) a calling or a byproduct of a position?
4. Pastor or Leader. The church today needs more...
5. Do you believe Salvations in the church would increase if you could focus more on leadership versus Pastoring?
6. Can peers Pastor each other?
7. Is Pastoring a calling or a gift?
8. Is Leadership a calling or a gift?
9. Is Ministry a calling or a gift?
10. Does Pastoring lead to inaction by laymen?
11. Does Leadership lead to inaction by laymen?
12. Pastor or Leader. Moses was a...
13. Pastor or Leader. The apostles were...
14. Pastor or Leader. Jesus was a...
15. How important is time management to a Pastor/Leader?
16. Pastor or Leader. Who would empower others better to use their gifts for the kingdom?
17. One attempts to be a Pastor and Leader. Does that make one a Pleader? "Cheesy yes I know!"
18. Any more???

Blessings to all my friends and family,

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