I lost a great friend recently. My friend, Larry Underwood was like many of you possibly. A wife of several years that he desperately loved. A darling daughter with a beautiful young grandson for Larry to have in tow. Larry soaked it all in as well. I often thought that Larry would be the poster child for trying to live as much of it as he possibly could. Sure, Larry had his eazy chair (what man doesn't?) and there are a few humorous stories floating out there we heard today. But all in all, I have a desire to live life as Larry lived it. To love family and friends, and to enjoy the simple things of life such as hunting and fishing.
More than anything though Larry loved God. In his life here on earth Larry wasn't the guy gathering at main street with Bullhorn in hand and tracks to pass out to "them" sinners. Larry attended Hickory Grove Church of God in Richton, MS (where I pastored) all of his life. He maintained a simple lifestyle of church, and dinner at "Mamaw's" on Sunday afternoons with family. He loved his job and worked hard at it. In fact, if you travel down Hardy street in Hattiesburg in the future take a glance at the beautiful Rose garden at the University of Southern Mississippi and you'll see Larry's work in all of it's grandeur. Beneath the quiet and unpressing exterior was a man who loved to laugh. Larry also had a secret prankster built in that were I not the "pastor" I'm sure I would've seen more of. I would love to hear some of Charlotte and Lisa's stories on that as well, as I'm sure there are plenty from the sisters!
I have this burning within me right now to find some great platform that Larry stood for, or to rail for some particular cause to which he devoted all of his time. I'd like to leave you with some awe of who he was. But, I'm simply struck with a pondering within my soul as to how Larry was able to fit so much of life, love, family, and friendship into his time here on earth. I think the answer is found in my question. Simple. Don't get caught up in all of the craziness. Don't mettle in things that don't make a "hill of beans". Just laugh, love, hug, kiss, cry, and find joy in every little moment of life. Larry did that!
I was thrilled to share this morning that Larry began playing a song some time ago, and now that he has left this place and time to take on his new life in eternity; we are now left with the task of finishing the song. Like any song it has transitions and ups and downs. It has high points and low points. Points in the song may lull you into some state of peace, while others may move your soul beyond anything you've ever experienced. My unending prayer for this family is that they will continue to hear Larry's song. To hear the low points and the high points, and to continue to play along. While Larry has received his reward for his faithfulness, we still must press on.
Susan, Paula and family....continue to play to the song Larry began writing. Take joy in the laughter of children, take pride in each step of life Carson takes. Take joy in celebrating along with family when they celebrate. Cry when you need to cry, be silent when you need to be silent, but always love, always love.....always love. Larry would want it...Just...that....way!
Forever friend,